1-1 Health and Wellness Coaching
90 day program It starts with a free initial consultation to discover what are your health challenges, what has been preventing you from getting the results you want, and then we will come up with the goals that you want to achieve during this time working with me.

Befriending Anxiety
8-week course. Groups up to 20
1.5 hour weekly
We will explore what is Anxiety, what is your relationship with it, and we will practice during the sessions experiential exercises that will give you tools to understand and better manage moments of anxiety.

Self-compassion For Moms
4-week course. Groups up to 20
1.5 hour weekly
Being a mom is hard work! We will discover what are your beliefs of what a mom should be, and we will practice strategies to be more friendly with yourself during times of stressful parenting.

Wellness Workshops